2010 Gibby's Run Update
Hi everyone,
Well I am very late in sending this but here is the update from the 2010 Gibby's Run.
The morning of the run was a little overcast but we thought after last year we could handle any kind of weather it threw at us! Thankfully we had a dry day. The bikers set off on their poker/puzzle run and by all accounts had a great time at each stop.
The bbq was in full swing when the first bikes started to arrive. We had the annual touch rugby game going on and for some reason people kept asking to be put in the dunk tank!
We held a ride in bike competition for the first time and we will continue that at this year's run.
We also ran a ticketed 50/50 for the first time and the winner won $1750! Not bad for the inaugural pull. We will also sell the tickets this year and hopefully the winner will get even more.
Once we cleared down all the tents from Veterans field we managed to find our way back to the Rattlesnake. My excuse was we were pulling the 50/50 winners at 9:00 pm so I had to be there! Trippin Carla came back and carried on performing for us and Mike even won $250 on the 50/50 which he very kindly donated back the the Scholarship Fund.
The recipients of the David Gibson Memorial Scholarship for 2010 were Jack Little and Matt Turinas. Their bios are on the website.
This year will be our 5th year. Hard to believe that time has gone so quickly. As much as I enjoy the day it is still a reminder that someone so full of life is no longer with us. This is why we do this. To remember Gibby and to enjoy the day as I know he would want us to.
Bikers can register from 9:30 am at the Rattlesnake where the run starts. It will be a Poker Puzzle Run once again . Post ride festivities will be at the end of the run at Veterans Field in Denville. The festivities will kick off at noon.
Please check the website frequently for updates. We are hoping to have a clothing store online very soon to make it easier for you all to order your t shirts and other items.
This years run will be on ....
JUNE 11TH, 2011
We are looking for Vendors and if anyone is interested in sponsoring please email me at gibbysmemorial@msn.com
I look forward to seeing you all on June 11th.
Gibby's Mum